85 days. How about a sweet, orange snacking pepper straight off the plant that’s on your kitchen counter? Fresh Bites Orange is the cutest crop that’s comfortable in a 6 inch pot and doesn’t require more than a sunny windowsill to produce its crunchy, tasty peppers. The plants will reach about 18 inches tall, put on lots of 2 ¼ inch long, wedge-shaped fruit, and look good the whole time!
Kitchen Counter Collection
Gardening isn’t restricted to people with enough land for planting. Recently we’re seeing a huge push for breeding development in food-producing plants that will flourish in containers with minimal care. We’ve hand-selected this assortment based on flavor, yield, ease of cultivation and appearance, so our gardeners with windowsill or patio space can enjoy the rewards of growing their own food at home. Each of these varieties produces attractive plants with lots of tasty fruit. Staking is recommended.