No real estate? No problem!
Growing crops in containers is a great option if you don’t have garden space, but it has its advantages even if you have lots of ground. Enjoy the convenience of bringing your garden right up to your back door, and you’ll also be able to exercise better control of the plants’ growing conditions like moisture and sun exposure compared to in-ground cultivated crops. This collection includes a full range of 14 varieties that thrive in smaller spaces. You’ll get leafy, root and fruiting veggies for a complete and productive container garden! Save $8.85 from regular price.
Seed: Compass Bean, Zeppo Beet, Katarina Cabbage, Rondo Carrot, Patio Snacker Cucumber, Patio Baby Eggplant, Pot & Patio Lettuce Blend, Little Snowpea White Pea, Miniature Red Bell Pepper, Palco Spinach, Bush Baby Summer Squash, Butterbush Winter Squash, Red Robin Tomato, Cal Sweet Bush Watermelon.
Occasional substitutions may occur within the collection.